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God is here

Photo Credit: Hannah Seaton

Every year students from all over the world enter into the fall semester anticipating the start of their WOLBI adventure. Whether it’s excitement about the classes they will take or simply excitement about the year as a whole, the students know there are many great aspects about the Bible Institute experience.

Year to year we always overhear students share how excited they are for the two trips WOLBI takes to Thailand and Israel. It’s not long into the year when the students finally head out to Thailand with the purpose of visiting different missions organizations and learning more about Buddhism, a main religion to many different Asian countries.

After having an amazing time on the Thailand trip students become even more excited for their trip to Israel in March. As the time draws near students eagerly await this adventure of a lifetime. Every year they come back with fun memories and a greater understanding of God’s Word embedded in their hearts. As staff, it is exciting to see first hand their excitement about God’s Word.

Leia Lowe, a student from the Bahamas, shares about her experience on the Israel trip this year.

Photo Credit: Hannah Seaton

What were your expectations?

I expected it to be an eye opening experience that changed my perspective on how I read the Bible. At the same time I didn’t know what to expect. I envisioned it as this magical place where everything happened in the Bible.

Photo Credit: Leia Lowe

What was your favorite site?

Joppa and Caesarea Maritima. It was the first set of ruins we went to and they were still well in tact so it gave me a good sense of what everything would have looked like back then. I kept thinking about how the people built all of this without modern industrial advancements.

Photo Credit: Leia Lowe

What was your favorite experience?

My favorite experience was the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where we sang worship songs. It was surreal, beautiful and it made my heart full of joy.

Photo Credit: Hannah Seaton

Share a fun memory.

After spending the first day together exploring Joppa and Caesarea Maritima, the Jeju students ended it with a ramyeon party on one of the back porches overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It was a great day of fellowship together with the Jeju group before combining together with the New York group.

Photo Credit: Hannah Seaton

What did God teach you?

Overall, going to Israel helped me to understand the locations of the Bible and put everything into perspective in relation to the distance and size of the biblical sites.

God reminded me that he is present everywhere and that He is with me here in Jeju just as much as he was in Israel. It’s not about the location, it’s about God and He is with us. He’s the God of the universe and I can’t forget that. Even though there are different cultures and languages all across the world, He is the same God in every nation.

Photo Credit: Leia Lowe

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